Ranking Every EASIEST and HARDEST CHAMPION for Season 14 - League of Legends

Discover the easiest and hardest champions to play in Season 14 of League of Legends with our comprehensive ranking.
Ranking of easiest and hardest champions for Season 14 in League of Legends.
Let's rank every single champion from easiest to hardest for season 14Hello Summoners and welcome to another ModLegends guide! We'll go roll by roll and have four different difficulty tiers. The champions will be placed in easy, medium, hard, and expert tiers. The easy tier will more specifically consist of champions that should only take you around 0 to 10 games to start having an impact on. Medium tier champions will take you a bit longer with at least 10 to 25 games needed. The hard tier will require you to play 25 to 50 games before you should expect consistent results. Lastly, for the expert tier, 50 games or more will be required for you to really be a force on the champion.

Ranking Every EASIEST and HARDEST CHAMPION Season 14


  • Easy Tier

Ranking of easiest and hardest champions for Season 14 in League of Legends.
So we're going to start off in the top lane and then make our way down the map. The easy tier for top lane consists of champions that you can be impactful with from the moment you pick them up. At the very most, you'll need 10 games on these picks to get some of the mechanics down, but you won't have to commit a ton of time. Most of these champions have very elementary mechanics and have tools in their kits that are extremely powerful but don't require very much skill to use. Take Malite, for example; he's one of the best autofilled top lane champions because, no matter how terrible your matchup knowledge is, using R on a fed AD carry and reducing their attack speed with E is foolproof yet absolutely game-changing.

  • Medium Tier

Ranking of easiest and hardest champions for Season 14 in League of Legends.
The medium tier for top lane is sprinkled with champions that are still relatively easy to pick up but usually have one unique part to their kit that will require you to spend a bit more time to get the hang of. Take Urgot, for example, a pretty simple champion for the most part, but his passive is such a unique mechanic you don't see on any other champion. Really being able to utilize his passive is vital to your success with the champion, and 10 games may not be quite enough to really get it down. 25 games should be enough, though, which is why we see Urgot as a nice fit in the medium tier.

  • Hard Tier

Ranking of easiest and hardest champions for Season 14 in League of Legends.
Moving on to the hard tier for top lane, you're going to need to commit a considerable amount of games to them if you want to see the best results. For a lot of these champions, it either comes down to them having very intricate kits or being more heavily reliant on landing skill shots to be effective. Aatrox is a bit of both as his Q skill shot is basically three spells in one, and how you use it solely dictates your success with the champion. It's not just realistic for the average player to pick up Aatrox and expect to see results right away. 25 to 50 games is a good benchmark for these champions that you should expect to put in before you really start feeling comfortable.

  • Expert Tier

Ranking of easiest and hardest champions for Season 14 in League of Legends.
Lastly, for the top lane expert tier, these champions are for those players that really want to challenge and can commit to staying consistent and spamming a bunch of games. The skill floor is extremely high for these expert tier champions because they're more mechanically intensive while also being feast or famine champs. Being even or staying ahead is vital on these champions to be impactful, as other than Camille, none offer any high-value utility for their team. To really get the most out of these champions and to play them at a level to where they are more worth it than champions in the tiers below, you should expect to play at least 50 games.


  • Easy Tier

Ranking of easiest and hardest champions for Season 14 in League of Legends.
For jungle, the easy tier consists of champions that have more linear kits and don't require any advanced mechanical skill to be impactful. These champions are going to be the best for you to pick up if you're looking to learn the role because being able to focus solely on your macro play will make you a better jungler as a whole much faster. Trundle is the perfect example of an easy jungler because his combos are very simple, and the brunt of his damage comes from auto-attacking and using Q. Getting used to the auto-attack reset that Trundle Q provides is probably the most difficult part about him, but even then, it's not going to take you more than a few games to nail it down.

  • Medium Tier

Ranking of easiest and hardest champions for Season 14 in League of Legends.
A lot of the champions in the medium tier for jungle may not be that much more difficult than the easy tier mechanically, but the decision-making required to play them is generally a bit higher. Take Kha'Zix, for example, a pretty simple champion on the mechanical front. His main damage source is from a point-and-click spell, so in theory, it shouldn't be too difficult to mess up on him. However, the difference between someone like Kha'Zix and Trundle is that Kha'Zix has less margin for error due to his more squishy nature. So choosing how he approaches fights can be more difficult to grasp. For a more bursty champion like Kha'Zix, it's also much more important to know how much damage he's going to deal at certain item spikes so that when you dive in, you can be certain you'll assassinate your target. Even though, for some of these champions, they're in the medium tier due to having more mechanical skill required than the easy tier champs, the game knowledge required to play them is a big factor for many as well.

  • Hard Tier

Ranking of easiest and hardest champions for Season 14 in League of Legends.
For the jungle hard tier, you'll notice that many of these champions have very unique kits. For example, even if you're a jungle main, picking up someone like Ivern for the first time is going to be way more difficult than picking up someone like Rammus. Ivern's kit is just so different than anything else we see due to his W, so he's one of the more difficult junglers to learn and get the most out of. For the average player, at least 25 games will be needed with these hard tier junglers before you can expect to see consistent results.

  • Expert Tier

Ranking of easiest and hardest champions for Season 14 in League of Legends.
The expert tier for jungle consists of champions that are incredibly reliant on impeccable mechanical prowess in order to out-impact junglers in the tiers below. Nidalee, Kindred, Elise, Lee Sin, and Taliyah are the five picks that make up the expert tier. If you want to dedicate a ton of time and really one-trick a jungler, these are going to be some of the best options. All five of these champions pass the first-time test, as none of them are picks that I'd want to see my jungler first timing in my game. When learning these champions for the first time, you should go into it expecting to lose a ton early on. Fifty games or more will be required for you to feel comfortable on these champs.


  • Easy Tier

Ranking of easiest and hardest champions for Season 14 in League of Legends.
For mid lane, we don't actually have all that many champions in the easy tier. A common theme among these picks is that they have a key spell in their kit that is very easy to use but extremely impactful. Annie's R, Aurelion Sol's Q, Swain's R, Veigar's R, and Pantheon's W are completely noob-friendly, but they can have such a high influence on games. You can go into ranked first-timing any of these champs, and you'll actually have a pretty good shot at picking up some wins right off the bat. Ten games should be all it takes to start feeling like you can be consistently impactful on these six champions.

  • Medium Tier

Ranking of easiest and hardest champions for Season 14 in League of Legends.
Similar to the jungle medium tier, a lot of the medium tier midlaners are a bit more mechanically demanding but more so just require higher game knowledge to pull off compared to the easy tier champs. Neeko is arguably one of the easier assassins in the game, but when compared to the likes of Annie and Malzahar, she's still more difficult to pull off just due to lacking that big CC spell and relying more on choosing the right openings to burst out a target. If you go in at the wrong time with Neeko, you can just die without doing anything, but with easy tier champs like Malzahar and Annie, even if you misposition, just getting off your CC before you die can sway a fight massively. 

  • Hard Tier

Ranking of easiest and hardest champions for Season 14 in League of Legends.
The thought process required to play a lot of these medium tier champions is just a cut above the easy tier. There's a lot of champions bunched up into the hard tier for mid lane and very few in the expert tier, and it's mainly due in part to who's skewing the meaning of a difficult midlaner. Lots of feast-or-famine champions in the hard tier, along with more mechanically intensive champions as well. A lot of these champions will require up to 50 games before you really begin seeing results.

  • Expert Tier

Ranking of easiest and hardest champions for Season 14 in League of Legends.
The expert tier for mid lane revolves around just two champions, being Azir and Yone. With Yone being released, it's completely shifted the meaning of a difficult midlaner. With nine basic abilities you need to learn, he's just flat out more difficult to pick up than anyone else. Many of the champions we have in the hard tier for this video were actually in the expert tier last season, but Yone is just on a level of his own when it comes down to difficulty, which makes our rankings much different for season 14. Azir keeps his spot in the expert tier, even though you could argue he's less difficult than Yone, we feel that Azir is just more difficult to grasp than any of the hard tier mids. So even though he may not be on the same level as Yone, he's closer than all other mids. You can play Azir like an ADC, sitting back and using his soldiers to DPS, but to really get the most out of him, you need to learn how and when to dive in for catch plays. Even though someone like Zed is a hard tier champ, he still has this very consistent style of play where he wants to sit back and poke from range. There's really nothing more optimal than that. With Azir, though, this drastic shift in playstyle from being a backline DPS character to suddenly diving into an entire team is very difficult to master and is a big reason why Azir's in the expert tier.


  • Easy Tier

Ranking of easiest and hardest champions for Season 14 in League of Legends.
Heading down to the bot lane, we just have two champions in the easy tier for ADC, and they are Ashe and Miss Fortune. Relative to all other ADCs, Ashe and MF are the most linear and simple to pick up. Both champions have ways to be impactful without needing incredible kiting skill, which is a big reason why they're here. You don't even need to land a single auto attack with either one of them, as both MF and Ashe have ults that can heavily sway games. If you're newer to ADC, it's going to be positioning and kiting that takes the most time to learn, being a role with more vulnerable characters, but Ashe and MF let you cheat that a little due to being less auto attack reliant.

  • Medium Tier

Ranking of easiest and hardest champions for Season 14 in League of Legends.
The medium tier for ADC is where you get into the champs that are more auto-reliant but not necessarily more mechanically intensive than Ashe and MF. A lot of these champions have escape tools or range enhancers in their kits, which make them more forgiving than some of the other ADCs you'll see in the hard and expert tier. Even if you're not the best ADC player, picking up Xayah or Tristana can help you out a lot due to the self-peel they have in their kits and less reliance on positioning perfectly to succeed. You don't have to be the most mechanically gifted player to win on these champs, which makes them good fits for the medium tier.

  • Hard Tier

Ranking of easiest and hardest champions for Season 14 in League of Legends.
Jumping into the hard tier for ADC, this is where min-maxing becomes much more important, and choosing your openings is vital. Picks like Draven, Lucian, Vayne, Kai'Sa, Jhin, and Samira are all shorter-ranged ADCs, which means you have to always be walking this fine line of staying safe but still being able to pump out damage. Jinx and Sivir just have more advanced kits compared to the average ADC, so it's going to take you more time to learn them. Jhin, being one of the more skill-shot heavy ADCs, is not someone you can expect to stomp with immediately. Getting used to his ammo mechanic is also a process as no other ADC in the game has that feature.

  • Expert Tier

Ranking of easiest and hardest champions for Season 14 in League of Legends.
Just two champions sit together in the expert tier for ADC as we have Kalista and Ezreal. Both these champions are picks that you just never want to see being first-timed on your team. Ezreal, being the most skill-shot reliant ADC, will take you at the very least 50 games to play at a decent level, but even then, hundreds of games are more realistic. Kalista, being one of the most early-game reliant ADCs and with so much of her power tied to how well her support can synergize with her, you need to be a very proficient Kalista player in order to make her work. The passive kiting mechanic is also something that no other champion in the game has, so this alone will take a multitude of games to learn.


  • Easy Tier

Ranking of easiest and hardest champions for Season 14 in League of Legends.
Moving on to Support, If you want to pick someone up and see near immediate results, or if you want a good autofill champ, these are your best options. Malphite, Heimerdinger, Soraka, Nautilus, and Yuumi are all extremely simple to grasp and be effective with in the very first game you pick them up. Malphite and Nautilus have very easy-to-hit crowd control, which makes them effective no matter how bad you are. Soraka and Yuumi can buff up their carries by simply using their point-and-click spells, so there's no way for you to be useless on either champ. As for Heimerdinger, even though he is more skillshot reliant, just placing down turrets, shoving the enemy undertow, and poking with W should not take you more than 10 games to get the hang of. 

  • Medium Tier

Ranking of easiest and hardest champions for Season 14 in League of Legends.
So much of Heimerdinger's power as a support comes from the pressure his turrets provide, and it takes very little skill to perform in that sense. The medium tier for support is littered with champions that you can still have pretty good success with right away but generally have more nuanced kits that require a bit more tinkering with to be effective. Maokai, for example, is a bit more difficult than an enchanter like Soraka because he needs to more carefully choose how he uses his spells. Soraka can just press R at a random time in a team fight and get good value out of it, but Maokai's R can be wasted if it's not used on an optimal target or at the correct time. You need a bit more general game knowledge to win with these medium-tier supports, whereas you can kind of just face roll your way to victory with the easy tier champs.

  • Hard Tier

Ranking of easiest and hardest champions for Season 14 in League of Legends.
The hard tier support champions fit into one of two categories, or both. They either are extremely unique in how they play the game compared to the average support, or they have more difficult kits to execute. Senna fits into the first category of being more unique because she's an ADC played as a support. There's no other traditional support in the game that needs to weave auto-attacks consistently to be effective, which makes Senna more difficult to pick up. Picks like Blitzcrank, Pyke, and Thresh are very reliant on hitting their skill shots to have an impact, and if they miss, they're highly ineffective. Fifty games is a realistic timetable that you should expect to have to put in before you really begin carrying on these champs.

  • Expert Tier

Ranking of easiest and hardest champions for Season 14 in League of Legends.
The expert tier for support consists of champions that have extreme reliance on hitting skill shots to succeed, or they have many different ways in which they can approach situations. Bard, Shaco, and Thresh are probably the worst supports in the game to play if you're autofilled because there are just so many intricacies to each pick that cannot be learned in just a few games. That being said, the reward for mastering any of these expert tier supports is huge, so if you're capable of being consistent and can spam well over 50 games on these champs, you will reap the benefits eventually.


Season 14 brings forth a diverse array of champions, each presenting unique challenges and opportunities. By understanding the difficulty tiers and investing time and effort into mastering champions within your skill level, you can elevate your gameplay and conquer the Rift. Whether you prefer the simplicity of an easy-tier champion or the challenge of an expert-tier pick, remember that practice and dedication are the keys to success in League of Legends. So, there you have it, guys, our yearly update ranking every single champion from easiest to hardest for season 14. Thanks so much for reading, and we'll see you back soon.


What defines the difficulty of a champion in League of Legends?

Champion difficulty in League of Legends is determined by factors such as mechanical complexity, skill expression, and learning curve. Champions with straightforward abilities and intuitive mechanics are generally considered easier to play, while those with intricate combos and high skill ceilings are deemed more challenging.

How can I improve my performance with difficult champions?

Improving with difficult champions requires patience, practice, and a willingness to learn from mistakes. Start by familiarizing yourself with the champion's abilities and optimal combos, then gradually incorporate advanced techniques into your gameplay through consistent practice and experimentation.

Are there any shortcuts to mastering difficult champions?

While there are no shortcuts to mastery, leveraging educational resources such as guides, tutorials, and gameplay videos can expedite the learning process. Additionally, seeking guidance from experienced players and actively seeking feedback on your gameplay can provide invaluable insights and accelerate your progress.

What role do easy-to-play champions serve in League of Legends?

Easy-to-play champions serve as accessible entry points for newcomers to learn the fundamentals of the game. By providing a low barrier to entry and intuitive mechanics, these champions enable novice players to focus on developing core skills such as map awareness, last-hitting, and positioning before delving into more complex gameplay mechanics.

How do champion difficulty levels impact team composition and strategy?

Champion difficulty levels influence team composition and strategy by shaping the dynamic of engagements and playstyles. Teams comprised of easy-to-play champions may prioritize straightforward objectives and capitalize on fundamental mechanics, while teams with high-skill ceiling champions may opt for intricate strategies and coordinated plays to outmaneuver their opponents.

What resources are available for players looking to learn more about champion difficulty and gameplay mechanics?

For players seeking to deepen their understanding of champion difficulty and gameplay mechanics, a plethora of resources are available, including community forums, educational websites, and official game guides. Additionally, platforms such as YouTube and Twitch offer a wealth of tutorial videos, live streams, and gameplay analysis from experienced players and content creators.

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