Top 15 EASIEST and HARDEST Champions Ranked by YOU - League of Legends

Uncover insights, strategies, and tips to master the Top 15 EASIEST and HARDEST Champions in League of Legends, ranked by expert players. 🏆
Top 15 EASIEST and HARDEST Champions Ranked by YOU - League of Legends: A comprehensive list of champions ranked based on difficulty level.
Today, we're going to be covering the top 15 easiest and hardest Champions to play in League of Legends, chosen by you. Welcome to another ModLegends guide. I asked thousands of you to choose up to 10 Champions you all thought were both the easiest and hardest to play in the game in two separate surveys.

I'm going to start with listing the top 15 easiest Champions and then list the top 15 hardest Champions, and finally, at the end, I'm going to show you where every Champion ranks from easiest to hardest in League of Legends.

EASIEST Champions

No. 15 Easiest

Top 15 EASIEST and HARDEST Champions Ranked by YOU - League of Legends: A comprehensive list of champions ranked based on difficulty level.
Starting us off with the 15th easy Champion, we have Ashe. Ashe has kind of been the poster child for League of Legends' easiest Champion to learn for years. I think the reason for this is because in almost every game out there, there's some kind of Archer-like character, so the concept is already familiar for a lot of people. Still, her kit is pretty simple; her playstyle is really not so easy. Her Q in itself can be a little tricky to get used to, but the hardest part with her is kiting. There's a big difference between good Ashe players and good Ashe players that can use their spacing and range really well. Other than that though, her spells and the concept of her Champion are what make her so easy. Poke with her W, get vision with her E, and stun people with her ult. It's pretty easy to understand.

No. 14 Easiest

Top 15 EASIEST and HARDEST Champions Ranked by YOU - League of Legends: A comprehensive list of champions ranked based on difficulty level.
Next, in 14th place, we have Sona. Sona's abilities aren't just simple but they also kind of tell you exactly what to do and how to use them: Q to do damage, W to heal, E for movement, and R for stun. Honestly, I think the trickiest part for her is maybe weaving in the power chords, but even that you can just kind of mash buttons for a while. One downfall she does have is no mobility, so if you get caught, you're kind of screwed. But other than that, she's pretty straightforward.

No. 13 Easiest

Top 15 EASIEST and HARDEST Champions Ranked by YOU - League of Legends: A comprehensive list of champions ranked based on difficulty level.
In 13th place, we got Rammus. I'm not going to lie; there's pretty much nothing difficult about this Champion. Rammus is just nice because all you literally have to do is roll around and catch people. And then, once you do, you can force people to kill themselves by attacking you. You just taunt with your E and then hit W, and then you're set. It's quite the complicated combo even when it comes to his gameplay. His Q makes it really easy to gank people, so you don't really have to be precise with his pathing. I'm honestly kind of surprised he's not even lower on this list.

No. 12 Easiest

Top 15 EASIEST and HARDEST Champions Ranked by YOU - League of Legends: A comprehensive list of champions ranked based on difficulty level.
In 12th place, we have Tryndamere. Tryndamere is pretty straightforward in the sense that he's melee, and his whole kit basically revolves around just auto attacks. The hardest thing for him is knowing matchups since he has no ranged abilities, but as long as you can farm, you'll inevitably become a pain in the other team's ass. There's a reason that he's one of the only Champions that people are able to complete a no-damage game on. Plus, having the whole anti-CC button is pretty nice, as long as you remember to use it. Gets outskilled here, there's the AL steal. Lulu pops it early. I don't feel like the I can read this all. Trolling 100%, that's what Perk said.

No. 11 Easiest

Top 15 EASIEST and HARDEST Champions Ranked by YOU - League of Legends: A comprehensive list of champions ranked based on difficulty level.
In 11th place, just two votes away from 10th, we have the Warwick. He's honestly one of those staple beginner junglers that is just easy. Q is good damage and lifesteal, W to run fast, E to CC, and then R to look stupid when you whiff it. No, but seriously, he's just one of those non-flashy Champions with no difficult combos.

No. 10 Easiest

Top 15 EASIEST and HARDEST Champions Ranked by YOU - League of Legends: A comprehensive list of champions ranked based on difficulty level.
All right, starting us off in the top 10. In 10th place, we have Maokai. So, for starters, obviously one of the reasons he's so easy to play is because his abilities are so simple. His Q is probably the hardest part of his kit because it's a skill shot, even though it's really not that hard to hit. And then after that, everything else is kind of impossible to screw up. His W spawns minions that will help him push and farm for you. His E is a point-and-click damage ability that when used on minions can also help farm for you. So, real talk, if you're struggling to farm, you might want to try him out. Not to mention, he has a spell shield passive which makes him a lot more forgivable to play when caught out. 

Let's be honest, though, one of the things that really makes him one of the easiest Champions to play is his ultimate. After all, when you have the 12th most broken ability in the game on a really easy Champion to play, it kind of makes sense. By the way, I know it's the 12th most broken ability because I did a video earlier where I figured out the most broken abilities, so go check that out if you haven't seen it yet. Anyways, honestly, even his playstyle is pretty simple to understand: shove your minions, drop diseases on your opponents when you get the chance, and outplay them with your ultimate whenever it's up. You also scale really well into the late game too, so there's really no pressure during the laning phase either.

No. 9 Easiest

Top 15 EASIEST and HARDEST Champions Ranked by YOU - League of Legends: A comprehensive list of champions ranked based on difficulty level.
Miss Fortune
All right, In ninth place, we have Miss Fortune. I still find it ironic that Ashe is kind of the poster child for the easiest champion in the game, but I'm so glad that Miss Fortune is this high up on this list because I definitely agree. Out of all the ADCs and clearly most of the champions, even she is by far the easiest and simplest to play. She has a Q to do more damage, a W to go fast, and an E to make them not go fast. Also, a pretty simple ultimate that can solo win team fights. However, I think the biggest reason why Miss Fortune is so easy to play is due to the speed of her auto-attacks. Miss Fortune relies more on damage in her build, so it makes kiting with her so much easier, and kiting is not an easy thing to do for beginners or even experienced players. So having her build naturally be based around damage instead of attack is what I think really separates her from the others. So if you're trying to learn a new ADC, my recommendation, and clearly many others, is to try Miss Fortune first.

No. 8 Easiest

Top 15 EASIEST and HARDEST Champions Ranked by YOU - League of Legends: A comprehensive list of champions ranked based on difficulty level.
Dr. Mundo
Alright, in eighth place, we have Dr. Mundo. For new players, this Champion has a saying that goes "Mundo goes where he pleases," and I think that in itself sums up why this Champion is so easy to play. This Champion is so tanky that you can consistently walk through team fights, take a million turret shots, and still come out full health in the end. And if that's not the definition of easy to play, I really don't know what is. You just have so much room to make mistakes and still do whatever he wants in the game. I mean, even his ultimate is just getting him back more health. Plus, his passive is a freaking spell shield now. But I think the sleeper here that really makes Mundo so easy and safe is his Q. Having a low cooldown ranged ability in his kit that does a fair amount of damage is extremely helpful for a champion like Mundo because it gives him so much more versatility, and it makes laning with him 10 times easier, especially versus ranged top laners. So right now, if you're actually struggling with dying too much or getting zoned from farming in lane, maybe give Mundo a try.

No. 7 Easiest

Top 15 EASIEST and HARDEST Champions Ranked by YOU - League of Legends: A comprehensive list of champions ranked based on difficulty level.
Moving on, in seventh place, we have the Sad Mummy, Amumu. Amumu is a non-flashy, very forgiving jungler to play, while also having a ton of utility in his kit. He's one of those champions that you really don't need to be good at to play in the game because the concept of him is so simple: walk up and stun them, cry on them, stun them again, and then stun them one more time because you can, all while not taking too much damage because you're a tank. And while you do have to hit your Q to stun them, you get two chances now, and even if you miss that second chance, you can just walk up to their face and ult. So yeah, if you're looking for a champion to make the other team cry about not being able to move, Amumu is probably your guy.

No. 6 Easiest

Top 15 EASIEST and HARDEST Champions Ranked by YOU - League of Legends: A comprehensive list of champions ranked based on difficulty level.
The sixth easiest Champion, goes to Lux. I'm not going to lie, this was one of the only Champions on this list I was actually shocked to see in the top 20. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't really think Lux is complicated whatsoever, and her abilities are pretty straightforward, but she does rely heavily on skill shots, seeing that every single one of her abilities are skill shots. And if you can't hit those, then you kind of have an issue. The other thing is that it does take some skill to be able to pull off good Lux combos, not a lot, but some. With that said, failing to land a perfect combo isn't the end of the world as long as you're still hitting them, and a lot of her skill shots, like her E for instance, are pretty hard to miss. Not to mention, she has insane range where she can just sit back and chuck spells at a safe distance all day. Overall, she is still a very simple champion and easy to understand, so I believe that's why she comes up as the sixth easiest Champion to play in the game. I personally would have put her over some of the others before her, but that's why the video is titled chosen by you and not me.

No. 5 Easiest

Top 15 EASIEST and HARDEST Champions Ranked by YOU - League of Legends: A comprehensive list of champions ranked based on difficulty level.
All right, the fifth easiest champion in League goes to Annie. This is another pretty expected one on the list. Annie is probably, and I guess now you can almost say objectively, the most straightforward midlaner in the game to play. She has a non-skill shot Q that does huge damage, a wide-ranged W to do damage, E to be fast and get a shield, and an ult to do massive damage while also summoning a bear to do damage for you. Now, while her W and ult are technically skill shots, they might as well not be because they're kind of hard to miss. Also, for those who struggle to farm with just auto attacks, Annie also has a solution for that because you can just use her Q, which also restores mana on creep kills. The only real challenging part about this champion, I'd say, is learning her kill potential and playing around her stun, but after a game or two, you can pretty much nail the basics.

No. 4 Easiest

Top 15 EASIEST and HARDEST Champions Ranked by YOU - League of Legends: A comprehensive list of champions ranked based on difficulty level.
The fourth easiest champion spot goes to the Rock Solid Malphite. Alright, let's start off with the obvious things. Malphite, of course, has a very simple and strong kit: a non-skillshot Q where you do damage and chuck donuts at people, a W that deals damage while also giving huge defensive buffs, and of course, he also just so happens to have one of the best ultimates in the game. Now, in addition to his kit being extremely easy to use and understand, I think that what makes this particular champion so easy to play is the fact that there is so much room to mess up and still be useful. This, of course, goes for any tank out there, but Malphite especially because of his ultimate. His ult will always be useful in the game, even if you're down zero and five, and that's definitely not always the case for every champion. There are a lot of champions out there that have an easy kit and difficult playstyle, but Malphite has an extremely easy kit and a really easy playstyle: just survive in lane as much as you can and ult people when it's up. So, if you're looking for an easy, forgivable top laner or even mid laner, Malphite's probably your guy.

No. 3 Easiest

Top 15 EASIEST and HARDEST Champions Ranked by YOU - League of Legends: A comprehensive list of champions ranked based on difficulty level.
Master Yi
The bronze spot for the easiest champion to play in League, goes to Master Yi. It's somewhat ironic that someone named Master Yi takes little to no mastering when it comes to learning this champion, and I think it goes without saying that his Q is a big, big reason why he's as simple as he is. Alpha Strike is notorious for being a brain-dead ability that smacks the crap out of people, and in order to pull off this insane mechanic that does a ridiculous amount of damage, all you have to do is press Q. As far as the rest of his kit goes, his other spells aren't exactly challenging either. He has a W that just heals, an E that is essentially a "do more damage faster" button, then an R to go fast. Now, with all that said, I will admit that there are a few things that separate a good Master Yi player from a great one, such as using your Alpha Strike at the opportune times or setting yourself up correctly so that you're able to snowball into the late game, but the differences are pretty minuscule compared to a lot of other champions. So, if you're looking for an easy jungler to play that has the potential to ruin the other team's lives, Master Yi is the one.

No. 2 Easiest

Top 15 EASIEST and HARDEST Champions Ranked by YOU - League of Legends: A comprehensive list of champions ranked based on difficulty level.
The second easiest champion to play in the game, by a significant margin, is the one and only Yuumi. Even though Yuumi is voted the second easiest champion to play, she's probably still the most memed easiest champion for the sole reason that, well, you don't have to click half the time to play her; instead, you mostly just hop on for the ride and heal and poke every so often. Even through all that, I can honestly see why Yuumi is ranked as the slightly more difficult champion to play than our number one pick, and that's because to some extent, there is some skill involved in playing her. It even hurts to say that out loud, but it's kind of true. Knowing when to jump on and off champions and who to jump on during team fights is a big part of playing her correctly, which a surprising amount of people don't actually do. So, in that aspect, I get it. But in all other aspects, Yuumi is by far one of the easiest champions to play, hands down. No pun intended. You get it because you don't need hands to actually play.

No. 1 Easiest

Top 15 EASIEST and HARDEST Champions Ranked by YOU - League of Legends: A comprehensive list of champions ranked based on difficulty level.
The easiest champion to play in League of Legends, goes to the one and only Demacian Garen. This really was a two-way race between Yuumi and Garen, and honestly, I think most people who play League already kind of knew it was going to come down to these two. That said, Garen has always been seen as one of the simplest and most straightforward champions ever since his release back in 2010. 

Similar to Ashe, almost every single game has a staple warrior-type character, and Garen is that guy for League. His kit is extremely easy to understand because all of his abilities are actually simple and not too overcomplicated, something we're just not used to these days. He's got a Q ability that gives movement speed and does big damage, a W that makes him take less damage, an E that comes with its own slogan because it's so simple to use, and an ult that is point-and-click and does a ridiculous amount of damage. Not to mention, his passive is just healing himself, so even if you do mess up and lane a bit, you can always just heal back up. 

So, if you're really a new player watching this trying to figure out which champion to try for the first time, Garen is probably the best choice. Garen is definitely worthy of the easiest champion title, unless you're one of the 10 loss causes from the other survey who voted for him as the hardest champion, then I guess he's not.

HARDEST Champions

Alright, those are the easiest champions in League of Legends chosen by you, and now it's time to get into the hardest-to-play champions. This was actually one of your guys' ideas, so if you have an idea for a future posts, let me know in the comments too. Alright, now let's jump into the hardest champions in League.

No. 15 Hardest

Top 15 EASIEST and HARDEST Champions Ranked by YOU - League of Legends: A comprehensive list of champions ranked based on difficulty level.
All right, starting things off, the 15th hardest champion in League goes to Zoe. Zoe's interesting because mechanically she's really not that hard. Like, you'll still have to go into practice tool and practice her combos, but after a few games, you'll be fine. Like, don't get me wrong, it's not a cakewalk implementing those things into your laning phase and gameplay, especially when you include all the random Summoner spells that can appear out of nowhere. But also, you can definitely get the hang of things in a fairly short amount of time. The biggest thing with her is getting down positioning. Finding the right angles and lines is essential to being a good Zoe player. It's really those huge picks and burst damage that can help win you games.

No. 14 Hardest

Top 15 EASIEST and HARDEST Champions Ranked by YOU - League of Legends: A comprehensive list of champions ranked based on difficulty level.
Next, in 14th place is Draven. Let's be honest, the only thing pushing him as the hardest Champion to play is having to catch his axes, which by no means is an easy thing to do. But besides that, the rest of his kit is actually pretty simple: Q for speed, E for crowd control, and then R for global range damage. Still, catching axes is also pretty much the majority of this Champion's playstyle, so if you suck at that, then you suck at Draven. Also, ADC is already probably one of the hardest roles mechanically just because you have to keep track of so many things happening at once, but then when you add an entire other mini-game to play while that's all taking place, things get hard. And not just hard, but for someone starting off, it almost seems near impossible. Now, he'll of course drop his axe in the direction you're clicking, but no matter what, it's incredibly difficult to get used to, and it takes a ton of games to make it second nature, which is essential as an ADC. But if you can do it, he's an extremely strong Champion with a ton of carry potential.

No. 13 Hardest

Top 15 EASIEST and HARDEST Champions Ranked by YOU - League of Legends: A comprehensive list of champions ranked based on difficulty level.
In 13th place is Katarina. Honestly, I thought Katarina was at least going to be in the top 10, so this is a bit surprising, but here we are. Mechanically, as we all know, she is hard, probably one of the hardest out there on mechanics alone. If anything, she's definitely one of the flashiest Champions. The main issues with Katarina are: one, her early game is trash, so it's really hard starting off and getting past that early game bump without getting smacked and losing too much motivation. You really have to learn how to play around her cooldowns and play from behind. And two, she's so easily countered with crowd control (CC) that you really have to know the right times to make a move. Katarina is notorious for making huge pentakill plays, but there's a lot more thought that goes into those highlights than just hitting R. I think a lot of people realize that too when starting off, after they try and all-in for the first time, only to instantly get knocked out, as she's not the hardest out there, but definitely tricky to play.

No. 12 Hardest

Top 15 EASIEST and HARDEST Champions Ranked by YOU - League of Legends: A comprehensive list of champions ranked based on difficulty level.
In 12th place, we have Akali. Honestly, I don't think Akali is that difficult. I think she's hard, but I don't know if she's top 12 hard. Still, I will say initially she can be a little tricky to understand. Her autos are absolutely trash; that's something people aren't used to, and farming on Akali is a whole other skill that you have to learn in itself. But if you do take some time to learn her combos, and even her most basic ones, then after a few games, most people will probably be set. You then, of course, need to limit test a bit and see her potential, but once you've got the combos down, her overall playstyle is pretty simple: take the squishies, cry, and snowball the game.

No. 11 Hardest

Top 15 EASIEST and HARDEST Champions Ranked by YOU - League of Legends: A comprehensive list of champions ranked based on difficulty level.
In 11th place, we have everyone's favorite wind boy, Yasuo. People might kill me for saying this, but I feel like Yasuo is actually one of the most underrated difficult champions to play. There are so many people out there who call him a brain-dead champion, but in reality, he actually takes a lot of skill to play. And no, I do not play this champion. Knowing when to use your wind wall, knowing how to dash, and being able to hit your Qs and combos is not as easy as people think. Now, that said, I do still think he can be crazy strong even in the hands of someone less experienced. But Yasuo's skill cap is way higher than people give him credit for. He really is easy to learn because his kit isn't that hard to understand, but he's extremely hard to master.

No. 10 Hardest

Top 15 EASIEST and HARDEST Champions Ranked by YOU - League of Legends: A comprehensive list of champions ranked based on difficulty level.
In 10th place, we have Nidalee. I really thought she'd be a bit higher, but I can see both sides. Nidalee is interesting because her kit is objectively challenging since, after all, she's one of the few Shape Shifter Champions out there. And now, suddenly, instead of just four abilities, you're dealing with two times the abilities. But at the same time, it's really not that difficult to get down. I think anyone with a few practice games could nail the basics of her kit. As long as you can hit her spears, I think the real challenging part with her comes with game knowledge and knowing how to play her since she is such a heavy early game Champion. She's easily one of the top, if not the top, early game snowball champions in the game, which also means if you don't know how to punish people early, you're kind of screwed. This is why I am always terrified whenever I see a Nidalee player in my ranked games because any Nidalee player below Emerald is probably dog. No offense.

No. 9 Hardest

Top 15 EASIEST and HARDEST Champions Ranked by YOU - League of Legends: A comprehensive list of champions ranked based on difficulty level.
Aurelion Sol
In ninth place, we have Aurelion Sol. Now, I can speak from firsthand experience on this one as I have played her a fair amount by now, and I still remember how much of a pain it was starting off learning her. It took me so many games for this Champion to click, and I think one of the reasons for that is when starting off, there are just so many things you have to think about. For starters, combos are a bit tricky. I don't think that they're the hardest, but they're still challenging enough that you have to practice a lot. Other things you need to learn are smaller things like, will that minion die from your Q if you dash to it? But the smaller things end up turning into big things because if you lose your Q reset mid-fight, you'll kind of get screwed. Then there's the whole deciding what fights you can take, and finally, the biggest part is just dashing. 

Now, I know a lot of people see Aurelion Sol players and think it's brain dead, but when you're first starting out, thinking about which minion to jump to is exhausting. It gets a lot easier as you go on, but sometimes it's still hard for people who even play this Champion for a long time. It's like playing a mini-game, and in that mini-game, you need to figure out the best path in the maze to achieving your goals. She's pretty fun and rewarding if you do put some effort into her, though, but by no means is she an easy Champion to play.

No. 8 Hardest

Top 15 EASIEST and HARDEST Champions Ranked by YOU - League of Legends: A comprehensive list of champions ranked based on difficulty level.
In eighth place, we have Qiyana. She's just a really weird Champion to play because of the way she has to use the map as a part of her kit. It's just different enough from other Champions that it takes a bit longer to understand how she works and how to properly use her. It also takes time to know when to use which element in each situation. Her combos also aren't just something that you can pull off on her first try. She also has a ton of potential in her kit to outplay her opponent, so in that sense, her skill level is kind of uncapped. You don't see a lot of amazing Qiyana players out there for a reason, but when you do, it's pretty terrifying.

No. 7 Hardest

Top 15 EASIEST and HARDEST Champions Ranked by YOU - League of Legends: A comprehensive list of champions ranked based on difficulty level.
In seventh place, we have Kalista. Kalista is not someone that instantly comes to mind to me as being the hardest, so I found this particularly interesting. But I can see why she's up here. For starters, her movement is substantially different from any other ADC. Getting used to her kiting effect is hard enough in itself. Her E ability is also pretty tricky because it can be hard to judge the damage it will do, which is just something you have to learn over time from playing her. She's also one of the only Champions whose ultimate heavily relies on someone else, so communication is a big part of playing her, plus having that control over someone else's Champion is a big responsibility and something that can be easily messed up, so it takes time to recognize the best situations to use it.

No. 6 Hardest

Top 15 EASIEST and HARDEST Champions Ranked by YOU - League of Legends: A comprehensive list of champions ranked based on difficulty level.
In sixth place, we have Zed. Obviously, Zed's on here because of his abilities, but I think he's kind of a funny one because, in my opinion, he looks a lot flashier than he actually is. And I'll probably get a lot of hate for saying that, but in my defense, a lot of low ELO players actually have pretty good mechanics on them these days. Like if you go into gold matches today, you'll probably find decent Zed players there. Now, they're, of course, not going to be on the same level as a challenger player, but they're still going to be good enough that people can still make some pretty insane plays. But that said, Zed specifically is more than just flashing around everywhere. There's also a lot of thought that goes into him as well, knowing when to jump where and if you should use Shadow is a big part of his play style. So mastering that aspect of him can be challenging enough. Mechanics-wise, he's still definitely not a champion anyone can just pick up and have a good time on him. It still takes a ton of time and practice to effortlessly pull off his combos.

No. 5 Hardest

Top 15 EASIEST and HARDEST Champions Ranked by YOU - League of Legends: A comprehensive list of champions ranked based on difficulty level.
In fifth place, we have Riven. Riven is one of those champions that has not only been around since the dawn of League but also one of the few champions to make it this far without being significantly reworked. Like sure, she's had a few changes over the years, but the overall concept of her has remained relatively the same. Nevertheless, her kit is the reason she's in the top five, specifically because of how many micro movements and combos you need to learn to be good on her. Not even just be good on her, but these days, just to be relative. The thing with her is that even the most basic essential skills take a lot of time and effort to learn. You'll see a lot of low ELO Riven players out there, but it's truly nothing compared to players that have actually mastered the champion. For instance, one of the basic things you have to learn to be good at her is fast queuing, in other words, clicking back and forth from your target to the ground while queuing in order to get off more damage at a time. 

Now, a lot of lower ELO players still play Riven and don't do that, and some of you might think they get away with it. Once you start playing higher and better players, and I'm not even talking that high, like I'm talking gold or plat, then you'll start to notice Riven becomes noticeably weaker than other champions. Not necessarily because she's a weak champion, but entirely because you haven't mastered the basics and fundamentals. She's kind of a "do or die" champion in that sense. There's, unfortunately, just so many things in combos that you need to memorize in order to be effective on her, which also means that there's just a lot more room for error. And when you're fighting champions in the top lane like Garen or Tryndamere who literally just auto you, it can be hard to keep up. Funny enough, the Riven fast Q combo wasn't actually something meant to be in the game, but it was actually a bug a long time ago that Riot just kept in because they thought it was a cool concept. 

But nowadays, it's like the bare minimum if you want to play this champion. The other thing is you can 100% blame the sweaty high ELO one-trick Riven players for her being so weak in low ELO because thanks to those players, Riot is forced to weaken her, or else those one-tricks would just run over everyone, which means lower ELO players are either forced to learn the mechanics or just suffer with a bad champion or just change champions entirely, which is usually what happens.

No. 4 Hardest

Top 15 EASIEST and HARDEST Champions Ranked by YOU - League of Legends: A comprehensive list of champions ranked based on difficulty level.
The fourth hardest champion in League is Gangplank. This comes as no surprise, as Gangplank easily has one of the most unique playstyles in the game thanks to his barrels, and it's that unique playstyle that also makes him so difficult to learn. With most champions, it's pretty self-explanatory how you're supposed to do damage: auto-attack, cast spells, etc. But with Gangplank, you have to hit barrels, and in order to do that, you have to understand how they work and how the timing works. You also have to learn the mechanics to chain your barrels in the correct situations. 

While there are some easy combos out there that you can learn, like the one-two barrel combo, that's just one out of a ton of other combos you can use with him. And if you don't learn a lot of these combos, you lose a lot of his potential. These combos are not easy; in fact, the barrel combos are one of the hardest to learn and pull off consistently in the game. Then, once you learn all the combos, you also have to know which combo is best to use in each situation, not to mention how to utilize the rest of his kit as well. Either way, he's definitely deserving to be at least number four on this list.

No. 3 Hardest

Top 15 EASIEST and HARDEST Champions Ranked by YOU - League of Legends: A comprehensive list of champions ranked based on difficulty level.
Lee Sin
The bronze spot for the hardest champion to play goes to the Blind Monk, Lee Sin. Lee Sin has consistently remained challenging to master, especially due to his high skill ceiling. Since the player "insec" showcased the first "insec kick" back in 2013, Lee Sin's potential has been realized, opening up a new world of possibilities for skilled players. While anyone can play Lee Sin and even lower-ranked players can land basic abilities, few can become true playmakers on this champion, utilizing his combos to make game-changing plays for their team. The difference between okay Lee Sin players and exceptional ones is significant, requiring an immense amount of time and practice to become consistent. Moreover, it's not just about knowing Lee Sin's mechanics but also understanding how his kit can affect the rest of the game strategically. An example of Lee Sin's potential was seen in a recent world game where a player executed a perfect play against an opponent, showcasing the immense skill and strategic depth required to master Lee Sin.

No. 2 Hardest

Top 15 EASIEST and HARDEST Champions Ranked by YOU - League of Legends: A comprehensive list of champions ranked based on difficulty level.
The runner-up spot for the hardest champion to play, goes to Azir. Azir, the Emperor of Shurima, has long been known as one of the most challenging champions to master due to the complexity of his mechanics. While his abilities may seem straightforward - Q to command soldiers, W to summon soldiers, and E to dash to them - it's the myriad of combinations and situational uses that make him so tricky. It takes countless games and hours to fully grasp where to position oneself in fights, which combos to use, and when to use them. Moreover, executing these combos under pressure is no easy feat. 

Azir heavily relies on reaching the late game, but failing to stay relevant in the early and mid-game renders him ineffective. The testament to Azir's difficulty is reflected in his current play statistics and win rate. With his popularity soaring during events like Worlds, many players attempt to emulate professional players like Faker, resulting in a surge in pick rates but a decline in win rates due to the lack of mastery over the champion. In the latest patch alone, Azir's win rate dropped by 2%, now sitting at a 45% win rate, showcasing the "Worlds effect" on his performance. This is why Azir is truly deserving of the number two spot on this list.

No. 1 Hardest

Top 15 EASIEST and HARDEST Champions Ranked by YOU - League of Legends: A comprehensive list of champions ranked based on difficulty level.
In the number one spot, the title of the hardest champion in League of Legends goes to Aphelios. It's no surprise to many, given the sheer complexity of this champion. From the moment I watched his Champion Spotlight, I knew I'd never fully grasp how to play him. Even his simplest ability, his Q, is a convoluted mess of different abilities and weapons. Unlike other champions where you know what to expect with their Q, W, E, and ultimate, Aphelios leaves you scratching your head. Why does his Q have so many variations? Why doesn't he have an E ability? Why does he have a passive on top of a passive? The confusion doesn't end there.

Understanding Aphelios requires delving into his peculiar mechanics, from his unique passives to different interactions with his ultimate. Figuring out which weapons to use and when adds another layer of complexity. It's overwhelming, to say the least. While Aphelios can be a potent champion in the right hands, mastering him requires dedicating hundreds of hours to practice. Without that commitment, you'll find yourself struggling to make an impact. And in the chaos of a battle, trying to juggle Aphelios's arsenal while facing simpler champions like Garen, who can simply spin and press R, can feel downright frustrating. Aphelios truly earns the title of the hardest champion in League of Legends.


In conclusion, champion difficulty is a multifaceted aspect of League of Legends that adds depth and complexity to the game. Whether you prefer the straightforward mechanics of easy champions or the challenge of mastering difficult ones, there's a champion out there for every playstyle and preference. By understanding the nuances of champion difficulty and exploring different champions, players can enhance their gameplay experience and become more skilled and versatile competitors on the Summoner's Rift.


What makes a champion easy or hard to play?

Champion difficulty can be influenced by factors such as mechanical complexity, skill requirements, and strategic depth. Easy champions typically have straightforward abilities and forgiving playstyles, while hard champions may require precise timing, decision-making, and mechanical execution.

Can I still succeed with difficult champions if I'm a beginner?

While it's possible to succeed with difficult champions as a beginner, it often requires a significant investment of time and effort to master their mechanics and playstyles. Starting with easier champions can provide a smoother learning curve for beginners but don't be discouraged from trying out more challenging champions if you're up for the challenge.

How often do champion difficulty rankings change?

Champion difficulty rankings can evolve over time due to balance changes, meta shifts, and player perceptions. While some champions may remain consistently easy or hard to play, others may see fluctuations in their difficulty rankings based on various factors.

Are there any champions that are universally considered easy or hard?

While there may be some consensus within the community regarding the difficulty of certain champions, perceptions of difficulty can vary widely among players based on individual experience and skill level. What one player finds easy, another may find challenging and vice versa.

Should I prioritize playing easy champions over challenging ones when starting out?

While starting with easy champions can provide a smoother learning curve for beginners, it ultimately comes down to personal preference and playstyle. Experimenting with different champions and finding ones that resonate with you is part of the journey of becoming a better player in League of Legends.

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