TOP 5 Champions to Main for EVERY Role in Season 14 - League of Legends

Discover TOP 5 Main Champions for EVERY Role in LoL Season 14! Expert insights & recommendations.
Discover top 5 champions to main for every role in Season 14 of League of Legends - your path to becoming the best starts here!
TOP 5 Champions to Main in Season 14
Season 2024 is well underway now, so here's our TOP 5 Champions for you guys to Main for EVERY Role (Top lane, Jungle, Mid lane, AD Carries and Support). Hello Summoners and welcome to another ModLegends guide! We aren't just going to go for picks that are crazy OP and abusable; instead, we're covering several reasons why a champion might be worth maining. So, what are these reasons?

What makes a Champion mainworthy?

First off, we want champions to be somewhat Meta-resistant; we don't want to go for picks that are either permanently banned or basically ignored by balance updates. A nice mix, somewhere in the middle, is ideal. We also want these picks to feel rewarding; we want champions to have a high skill expression, meaning we can really feel ourselves improving on these champions with time learning limit testing, combos, animations, mechanics, and of course, playstyles and matchups too.
Discover top 5 champions to main for every role in Season 14 of League of Legends - your path to becoming the best starts here!
That's not to say that champions on the easiest side aren't worth playing, as some champions in this list are easier than others. But we just want to make sure that they are actually worth the time investment, and you can really feel yourself getting better with 10, 50, 100, or even 1,000 games played. Plus, the new Mastery system update is coming into the game soon, meaning the more mastery you have, the more you're going to be rewarded, and the more you can show off to all of your friends. 

So, having 10 million Mastery points on Yuumi, for example, might not quite be something you want to go around telling everybody. To piggyback onto that last point, we also need these champions to actually be enjoyable too because let's be honest, picking a champion and learning them just because they are effective just really isn't that much fun, and we are playing a video game, so it's supposed to be fun, right?

Finally, we've also selected these champions to be win rate at most ranks across the board. Now, there are probably some exceptions with some more complicated choices here that will be more popular at higher ranks and vice versa. But either way, once you have put the time into these champions, you should be able to perform and carry in pretty much all ranks. So now, let's get into it. You should also check out 13 Pay to win Skins in League of Legends.

TOP 5 Champions to Main for Top Lane

1. Fiora

Discover top 5 champions to main for every role in Season 14 of League of Legends - your path to becoming the best starts here!
Fiora | ModLegends 
And of course, we're going to have to start with the Top Lane, and our first champion to talk about today is Fiora. Fiora is the definition of a champion that just takes all of these boxes. She's been such a consistent Top Lane choice for season upon season, surviving various different metas and always being viable in the right hands. Fiora isn't the most difficult champion to learn in the first place, but she does have a very high skill ceiling—various combos, perfectly timed reposts, and being able to dart around and one-shot enemies by popping all four vitals on her ultimate.
Discover top 5 champions to main for every role in Season 14 of League of Legends - your path to becoming the best starts here!
Like most Top Lane champions, Fiora does have a few more difficult matchups, but there are still ways she can overcome them, whether that's just abandoning the lane phase and forcing a swap lane against a different champion instead, or actually just learning when you can outplay and punish enemies' misplays in those bad matchups to beat them anyway. Fiora has tons of great item options so far in season 2024, and historically she's had some of the biggest build diversity over recent seasons—with the standard Hydra builds, or you can go for more burst damage, or you can even go for Stridebreaker Press the Attack with Blade of the Ruined King. There's always been loads of different weird and wonderful builds to get your head around on Fiora, so the more time you play her, the more you experiment with those builds, the more you experiment with those items and matchups and combos and mechanics, you will quickly understand just why Fiora is such a great champion to main in season 2024.

2. Ornn

Discover top 5 champions to main for every role in Season 14 of League of Legends - your path to becoming the best starts here!
Ornn | ModLegends 
Up next, we have to follow Fiora with the king of the tanks, Ornn. Ornn is one of the most rewarding tanks you can play in the game. He has one of the best ultimates in the game for setting up engaging fights with a long-range initiation. Ornn is one of those champions that fits into absolutely any team comp you throw him into, and he will always be useful no matter how far ahead or far behind you become. Ornn starts off in the lane phase with his ability to set up ganks so easily for his jungler. He also doesn't have to base as often as other top laners because of his passive, allowing him to buy items from the in-game shop from the lane.
Discover top 5 champions to main for every role in Season 14 of League of Legends - your path to becoming the best starts here!
There's a lot to like about Ornn, from the big CC wombo combos to just being really consistent in general. He's such a great champion to have in your top lane champion pool. If you don't really know what to pick, just pick Ornn. If your team needs a tank, just pick Ornn. If you need to play weak side and survive the early game, just pick Ornn. Or if you've got a really aggressive jungler and you need some CC from the top lane to get them super fed, pick Ornn. 

3. Camille

Discover top 5 champions to main for every role in Season 14 of League of Legends - your path to becoming the best starts here!
Camille | ModLegends 
Next up, we've got Camille, and ever since her release, she's always been one of the best champions you can main in the Top Lane, and in this new season, it's still as true as ever. If you are good enough at Camille, you can climb through any ranks, you can carry any game. Camille has uncaring power, incredible burst, and amazing isolation and assassination with her ultimate too. The one thing you have to learn most about Camille, more than anything else when playing her, is simply her matchups. If you know how to play a specific matchup on Camille, there's always a way to win it, but you also do need to know which matchups just aren't worth the effort. There are a few difficult lanes that Camille has always struggled with, but apart from those really specific matchups, she is such a versatile and consistent top laner to play.
Discover top 5 champions to main for every role in Season 14 of League of Legends - your path to becoming the best starts here!
Now, if you do get fed on Camille, the enemy carries and squishies have to absolutely respect you because if they forget about you for one minute, you can bounce off those walls, spring in behind them, and press your ultimate to lock them into a 1v1 that they simply will not win. Speaking of winning.

4. Riven

Discover top 5 champions to main for every role in Season 14 of League of Legends - your path to becoming the best starts here!
Riven | ModLegends
If you want to win a lot of games and you want to feel the real value of mastering a champion, then look no further than Riven. Riven is and has always been the ultimate one-trick pony top lane champion to carry with, and so far, so good this season as Riven looks to be one of the most terrifying champions to come up against. Riven really does have it all when it comes to time investment into your champion, with the animation cancelling combos and mechanics and the insanely high skill ceiling that follows this as well. Riven is all about limit testing. 
Discover top 5 champions to main for every role in Season 14 of League of Legends - your path to becoming the best starts here!
It's about understanding your damage with each and every item you complete and knowing how much damage you can deal when you dash in and try to kill your enemies because if you misplay this or mistime this, you will get CC locked up and killed very quickly. But if you use your dashes to dodge that CC, use your Q to jump over walls to get to your enemy and burst them down with your W and R and perfectly weave in those auto attacks around your passive to maximize your damage, you will feel like an absolute beast. All of that was just a taste of how complex Riven can be in the right hands. And to add to this, not only does she have a high skill ceiling and is she extremely rewarding, but she's really not banned that often. So if you main Riven, you can play her all year round, and in season 2024, she's looking like a great choice to go for.

5. Singed

Discover top 5 champions to main for every role in Season 14 of League of Legends - your path to becoming the best starts here!
Singed | ModLegends
Finally, in the Top Lane, we've got Singed as our final pick. And not only does he have a completely different playstyle to anyone else in the Top Lane, but he pretty much has a completely different playstyle to anyone else in the game. Singed is all about proxying waves, running away from enemies rather than into them, but also a bit of a combination of the two—locking them down with his W, flinging them around with his E, and watching and laughing as enemies die to the damage over time. Singed is all about frustrating and trolling his enemies by running around in circles and dealing crazy damage over time. But in order to pull this off, you need to get through the lane phase with a decent experience and CS lead without trading too often because your trading power isn't really very good. 
Discover top 5 champions to main for every role in Season 14 of League of Legends - your path to becoming the best starts here!
Apart from the fact that Singed has a peculiar playstyle, this doesn't take away from his ability to carry games because once you get strong on this champion, you become impossibly difficult to deal with as you pop your ghost and your ultimate, sprint towards enemy backlines, fling those carries straight into your own teammates, and enjoy yourself as they all burn to death. Singed has been strong for so many seasons now, and he's never banned, so he really is the definition of meta-resistant. He's also incredibly fun to play as. What's not to like? Just spamming your laugh emotes while you run around in circles and end up winning the game. GG, well played.

TOP 5 Champions to Main for Jungle

1. Nocturne

Discover top 5 champions to main for every role in Season 14 of League of Legends - your path to becoming the best starts here!
Nocturne | ModLegends 
Now we're into the jungle, starting off with one of the scariest champions in the game, Nocturne. Nocturne does have a bit of a higher ban rate than some of the other champions on this list, but there are plenty of games where he slips through the draft. Everyone who plays League of Legends probably already knows what Nocturne is good at, mostly revolving around his global ultimate. He doesn't really have to worry about clears; he full clears easily, gets level six, and then just presses his R to sweep into a lane and cause havoc very early into a game.

If you want to main Nocturn, learning him is not the most difficult part; it's learning how to maximize your jungle tempo and keep your presence on the map constantly, rather than just being invisible when your ultimate's down. Learning Nocturne's various itemization builds depending on the draft is also significant, as there are some games you want to go full glass cannon and others where you need to be a bit of a bruiser. It's all about learning his limits, learning how much damage he does with certain items, and how to perfectly time those spell shields in certain matchups to maximize your impact on the game.

2. Zac

Discover top 5 champions to main for every role in Season 14 of League of Legends - your path to becoming the best starts here!
Zac | ModLegends 
Moving on to Zac, he's pretty op in PBE with the initial changes, but then he wasn't that great on release, and now he's really starting to get good again. You can play him in the top lane and jungle, but of course, we're in the jungle section, so we're going to talk about why he's good here and why he's a great jungler to main this season. Similar to Nocturn, obviously, it's not his ultimate, but he has one of the best abilities in the game for long-range and unconventional gank paths. Once you've got a few levels into Zac's kit, his gank range is immense, and he is one of the best junglers in the game to punish lanes that don't have their summoner spells.

Zac, just like Nocturne, is pretty easy to pick up and learn. He's not too complicated once you get the hang of his basic kit, but you can definitely tell the difference between a good Zac and an average one. There are loads of different combos you can do, various ways to use your Q, and you can use it on minions, champions, and jungle plants. The more time you spend on Zac, the more you will learn about him. Since Zac's release, he has had a fair few changes, but in the recent seasons, he's remained a really consistent jungler to go for.

3. Viego

Discover top 5 champions to main for every role in Season 14 of League of Legends - your path to becoming the best starts here!
Viego | ModLegends 
Next up is Viego, who is very different from any other champion in the game with his unique passive, allowing him to take over and possess a dead champion. Learning and maining Viego is all about having massive amounts of game knowledge, and if you're a new player looking for a jungle main, this is probably the most confusing pick of the lot. However, if you've been playing this game for a long time and you know how every champion works, and you've played a fair amount of them, he's a fantastic pick in the jungle. Viego is all about diving onto one target with his teammates or alone, assassinating them, and then starting resetting his way through teams. He's a bit of a pain to kill, so if you want a new jungle pick to show off to your friends with crazy resets and easy pentakills, start maining Viego.

4. Fiddlesticks

Discover top 5 champions to main for every role in Season 14 of League of Legends - your path to becoming the best starts here!
Fiddlesticks | ModLegends 
Following Viego, we have Fiddlesticks, who hasn't had the strongest start to season 2024, but his time will definitely come, and he's still playable in the right hands. Fiddlesticks is all about his ultimate. Learning and maining Fiddlesticks is a bit of a job because you need to understand how to efficiently clear the jungle, how to use your passive effigies to control vision, and how to bait enemies and confuse them. On top of all that, you need to understand and perfect Fiddlesticks' playstyle, which is all about getting in those obscure angles and ulting into teams out of vision. Fiddlesticks takes a lot of practice to understand his playstyle fully, but his ability to carry when you understand it is simply insane.

5. Bel'veth

Discover top 5 champions to main for every role in Season 14 of League of Legends - your path to becoming the best starts here!
Bel'veth | ModLegends 
Our fifth and final jungler this season just has to be Bel'veth. Now, Bel'veth has been one of the best junglers in the game since her release. She goes through some patches where she's not quite as good, but most of the time she's up there with the big guns in the S TI. Bel'veth is another champion that is fairly easy to pick up and learn. You've got your cues and different directions, your passive to space out your auto attacks, and you get the hang of how to use this to clear the jungle and to get around the map pretty easily.

But then you look at the rest of her kit, and that's when she really comes into fruition. She's got her W's knockup for a bit of CC and of course her E's massive damage reduction, which if you use it at the right time when enemies have no CC, you will simply stay alive longer than you ever thought you could. And then of course, you've got those void corals which you can consume to deal huge AOE damage and of course upgrade yourself into that OP form too. Belth has a lot to offer, and if you main her, you need to have a good understanding of jungling in general, jungle tempo, maximizing your clear, but you also have so many things that are just so appealing as a jungler.

You simply melt through objectives like dragons and Barons, but also because of those little voidlings, you also melt through structures too like towers and inhibitors. And once you've got a few items on board, you start flapping those wings and you start destroying carries in a matter of seconds. So if you do want to main Bel'veth, there's not too much to think about. Play her a few times, learn the jungle, learn how she plays, learn what she's good at, and you will definitely reap the rewards this season. Well, that's the jungle covered.

TOP 5 Champions to Main for Mid Lane

1. Viktor

Discover top 5 champions to main for every role in Season 14 of League of Legends - your path to becoming the best starts here!
Viktor | ModLegends 
Now it's time for all of you mid lane mates, and our first champion recommendation to main this season is going to be Viktor. First things first, one of the great things about maining Victor right now is that simply no one is really playing him. But that doesn't mean he's not a great choice. Viktor is the ultimate scaling utility control mage, and he always has been, no matter what the meta. So he is always a great pick to whip out when it's the right game for him.

We're not going to go into every single different matchup because that's what you're going to need to learn when you main him, but once you understand which matchups you can play him in and which drafts he excels in, you will quickly realize just how underrated this champion is. Viktor has everything you need from that mid lane control mage. He has fantastic wave clear, good catch potential, great mobility with his movement speed from his shield, and of course, a shield. Plus, he has that massive AE damage and devastation with his ultimate.

If you want to main Viktor, one of the biggest things you need to get the hang of is his E. Yes, his Death Ray is one of his main forms of burst and poke, and it's a bit of a unique skill shot, kind of like a rumble ultimate if you've played him before. But once you get the hang of it, it's one of the most difficult things for enemies to dodge.

Moving on to items, Viktor's always had loads of different options because of the way his kit works with his upgraded abilities. For example, Lich Bane is insane with his Q burst auto attacks. So, understanding and maining Viktor is all about understanding which items you can build in different matchups too.

If you're one of those players that loves committing to a champion and exploring their items, exploring their matchups, and really investing time into them, then I would honestly say Viktor is up there with some of the best choices you can go for.

2. Hwei

Discover top 5 champions to main for every role in Season 14 of League of Legends - your path to becoming the best starts here!
Hwei | ModLegends 
Now, next up we have a bit of a similar champion to Victor, but one that's not been around for quite so long, and it's Hwei. Some of you might think I'm trolling a little bit for suggesting Hwei because his win rate hasn't been that impressive this season so far, but it's safe to say that Riot wants this guy in their games because he keeps getting buff after buff. So trust me, if you spend the time, resources, and effort to learn this guy now, then by the time his time to shine comes through, you're going to be so prepared that you'll be better at him than anyone else.

Anyway, aside from that, he's actually a really good pick at the moment if you know how to play him, if you know how to build him, and you know when to pick him. Now, if you've read Hwei's abilities or if you've played him once already, you'll know how Hwei's skill ceiling is. He's got more abilities than most champions, but actually, if you break it down, he can only use one Q, one W, or one E at a time. So, it's not like he can go QQ, QW, and QE all in one combo. Learning and mastering Hwei does take a bit of time because you need to know when to use which ability at the right times.

But to put it really simply, his ultimate damage, his air we poke, his long-range artillery damage is crazy, and all you've got to do is basically get through the lane phase and scale as quickly as you can because the damage you offer once you've got those items is insane. 

3. Twisted Fate

Discover top 5 champions to main for every role in Season 14 of League of Legends - your path to becoming the best starts here!
Twisted Fate | ModLegends 
Next up, we've got a bit of a different pick in the mid lane to those we've just talked about, and it's Twisted Fate. Yes, the OG Card Master, one of the coolest champions in the game in my opinion. Right now, he is in a fantastic spot for you to play him. Twisted Fate has always been a great champion to main because of that global presence he has with his ultimate. He can impact games instantly as soon as he gets level six with that ultimate, teleporting to lanes and locking enemies down with his gold cards.

He brings great wave clear, great catch potential, and great scaling throughout games too. Because not only does he have that burst and pick potential, but he's also great in sidelane split-pushing too because if he gets into any trouble, he just presses R and goes back to safety.

If you do want to main Twisted Fate, it's all about learning how to use his W's Pick a Card perfectly, getting those gold cards secured really early on without having to wait several rotations before you press W again. And of course, keeping yourself alive at the same time because you are exceptionally squishy and very prone to burst. But once you get the hang of him, he will be a great choice to main. He's instantly rewarding, and you will feel like an absolute beast when you're carrying games with that ultimate.

4. Akshan

Discover top 5 champions to main for every role in Season 14 of League of Legends - your path to becoming the best starts here!
Akshan | ModLegends 
Our fourth big pick for the mid lane is finally an AD champion, and it's Akshan now. Akshan has been a fantastic pick in both solo lanes since his release because he just has so much to offer. As long as they know what they're doing, Akshan players are always great to have on your team because they can revive you and get you back into the action as long as they kill the right target.

Despite having a passive that can revive his whole team, he also has so much else to offer. He's got stealth for fantastic roaming, swinging around resets to get in and out of fights with his E, solid early game damage and poke to snowball, and long-range executing sniping abilities too with his ultimate.

One of the reasons Akshan is such a great champion to main is just how rewarding he is when you pull him off and play him perfectly. Swinging into a team fight with a good flank and executing that carry that's just killed your whole team is such a good feeling. Seeing all of your teammates come back to life in the fountain.

One of the hardest things about Akshan is actually playing him well enough in the late-game team fights. In the lane phase, if you get a good matchup, it's pretty easy to bully enemies and win the early game. But what really separates the good Akshan mains and makes them shine the most is how hard they carry in those team fights. Because all it takes is one bit of CC for them to drop.

But if you are the kind of player that loves that assassin kind of playstyle, swinging in, swinging out, getting the job done, and carrying your teammates, then look no further than Akshan.

5. Neeko

Discover top 5 champions to main for every role in Season 14 of League of Legends - your path to becoming the best starts here!
Neeko | ModLegends 
Our fifth and final mid lane champion to main this season just has to be Neeko. Ever since she got that rework that made her playstyle so much more mischievous, she has continued to be one of the best champions to play in the mid lane. Honestly, ever since that update. And one of the main reasons why you should main Neeko is just how much fun it is to sneak up back to lane, camouflaged as a minion, before you one-shot them. Or pretending to be a ward in a late-game team fight before you jump out at surprise enemies with a five-man ultimate.

Neeko has a ton to offer in the mid lane, but it is a very different kind of playstyle compared to the other four champions we've talked about already. Neeko is all about surprise burst, catching enemies off guard, and being the carry that enemies just never see coming. But she's got so much to offer even if she gets a bit behind in the lane phase because she can just become a utility-based control mage with her massive AE crowd control ultimate, her zoning with her E, and of course, her massive team shield too.

If you're the kind of player that loves playing mind games with enemies and loves catching them off guard with surprise damage, then there's no better champion to main this season than Neeko. She's super fun to play, incredibly rewarding when you play her well, and always great to have on your team.

TOP 5 Champions to Main for AD Carries

1. Draven

Discover top 5 champions to main for every role in Season 14 of League of Legends - your path to becoming the best starts here!
Draven | ModLegends 
We're going to move down to the bot Lane, and of course, we're going to start off with those ad carries. First off, we have the most aggressive snowballing ad carry in the game: Draven. Ming Draven is a task in itself because he is very difficult to master. Obviously, it starts out with being able to micromanage his axes perfectly and keep them spinning to maximize your damage. However, he's also quite risky to pull off when it comes to team fighting and positioning because he's extremely squishy as an ad carry.

But when you've put the time and effort into Draven, you can snowball and carry games 1 v 9 so much easier than any other AD carry in the game, and it really is all down to his passive giving him so much extra gold and cashing in on it once he gets kills after catching a ton of axes. Draven can seem like a lot of effort to learn, but the truth is, if you really want to carry from the bot Lane and you really want to get those hours into a champion and feel the rewards of it, then Draven is one of the best choices you can go for.

2. Twitch

Discover top 5 champions to main for every role in Season 14 of League of Legends - your path to becoming the best starts here!
Twitch | ModLegends 
In season 2024 so far, he's dealing a lot of damage. Our next ad carry is Twitch, and he's one that has a very unique mechanic with his stealth and his tendency to jump out of stealth with his ultimate and ambush teams with huge AoE damage. Twitch doesn't have the best early game in the world; you do have to be careful of those aggressive lanes that can shove you in and prevent you from scaling. But once you hit those one, two, and three item power spikes, you can space Glide your way through teams, pop your ghost, pop your ultimate, and start deleting them.

Maining Twitch is all about finding a lead through cheesing into Lanes with your Q stealth and basically snowballing from that point onwards. In season 2024 so far, Twitch has a bunch of different items to go for as well. You've got that classic combination of Blade into Runaan's, but after that, you can go crit-based with IE, Kraken Slayer, and Rapid Firecannon, or you can go for a bit more of a tanky on-hit build with Kraken Slayer and Wit's End. And if all that fails, you've also got AP Twitch too.

Maining Twitch is all about understanding when and how and which builds to go for depending on the draft and depending on what your team needs. If you do main Twitch, you can also pick in with a bunch of different supports too. He works well with aggressive engaging supports, but he really does come to life with those enchanters like Lulu, Nami, Janna, and of course, Yuumi too. If you like that cheesy, stealthy playstyle and you like popping out and ambushing teams with huge 1v5 damage, Twitch is a great choice to make. If you're unsure about all those weird and wonderful build options, then don't forget to download Mobile Etics and check out Twitch's build page.

3. Vayne

Discover top 5 champions to main for every role in Season 14 of League of Legends - your path to becoming the best starts here!
Vayne | ModLegends 
Our third AD carry to main in season 2024 is Vayne. If you do want to show off to your friends with kiting and spacing and everything else that's beautiful about playing an AD carry in the late game, then Vayne really is the perfect pick for you. She has always famously had a bit of a rough time in the early game, although this season she's not doing too bad so far. And to be honest, she has a bunch of different ways you can build and play her, much like Twitch. Although I wouldn't advise going AP Vayne.

You can go Lethal Tempo with the classic AD on-hit build with Blade of the Ruined King and Kraken Slayer, or you can use Press the Attack with a similar setup, or you can even go for a Fleet Footwork poking Q-maxing burst build that plays around Stormrazor and Essence Reaver to Q in and poke your enemies down with auto-attacks. And of course, if you need it, you've also got Statikk Shiv for wave clear too. But whichever way you decide to build Vayne, maining her is all about perfecting her kiting with her Q stealth inside her ultimate. It's about chasing and weaving in and out of fights, dealing tons of single-target damage, and of course, keeping yourself alive at the same time.

Vayne, of course, is not quite as blind pickable as some other AD carries like Ezreal, but if you manage to lock in Vayne in the perfect game against a bunch of tanks with a great support and an easy matchup bot Lane, she's definitely still up there with the best champions in the bot Lane for ultimate. In the number four spot for AD carries, of course, is going to have to be Jhin. And what a season 2024 he's having so far, with the lethality meta in full swing especially so in the bot Lane.

4. Jhin

Discover top 5 champions to main for every role in Season 14 of League of Legends - your path to becoming the best starts here!
Jhin | ModLegends 
Jhin is one of the perfect choices to really capitalize on this, as his current new Ghostblade into Collector build is just so damn strong. Maining Jhin mostly is all about learning his damage limits. It's about knowing how to bully lanes with Q's and fourth shots, and then sniping enemies down with your W and your ultimate. He doesn't have any dashes, but those inbuilt movement speed steroids are what really make you dance around fights, execute enemies, and keep yourself alive too. Jhin has been one of the most consistent AD carries for you to play for the last few seasons. Well, to be honest, ever since his release really.

He goes through those phases where he's a little bit broken, but he always remains relevant, even if the meta doesn't suit him. He's also seriously fun to play, and the more you play him, the more you will understand his limits, his little tricks and tips, and combos, and before you know it, you'll be one-tricking him all the way to master. Speaking of one-tricking an AD carry, our fifth and final choice just has to be Ezreal. One of my personal favorite champions in the game to play, he has tons of skill shots, he has great kiting and spacing, and amazing mobility with his E.

5. Ezreal

Discover top 5 champions to main for every role in Season 14 of League of Legends - your path to becoming the best starts here!
Ezreal | ModLegends 
If you're looking for a champion that feels incredibly rewarding to put tons of time into, Ezreal is a fantastic choice. Ezreal isn't quite as meta-resistant as some of the other AD carries in this video because as we saw from the start of season 2024, he was a little bit on the weaker side. But now, after a few buffs, he's back up there with the big guns. But even when the meta doesn't suit him perfectly and his items and options aren't really that great, he's still a really safe blind pickable AD carry to play.

Sometimes you do have to settle for weak side, but it's great because all you got to do is E back to safety and keep yourself alive and ticking. But in those games with your strong side, you have so much chase, so much poke, amazing damage, and great snowballing too. And right now, in this season, his spikes with just two to three items are as strong as ever. Ezreal has an amazing skill ceiling. I mean, he's pretty much exclusively skill shot-based, so if you hit them, you're gonna deal tons of damage. But if you miss them, you're pretty much useless.

So if you want a challenge and you want to get better at the game and you want to climb and climb and climb, then Ezreal is definitely a fantastic choice to pick up and put time into.

TOP 5 Champions to Main for Support

1. Senna

Discover top 5 champions to main for every role in Season 14 of League of Legends - your path to becoming the best starts here!
Senna | ModLegends 
Let's start with the discussion on supports. First off, let's talk about Senna. Senna is such a unique support, but what an exceptional one she's been ever since her release. She's been included in those patch notes time and time again, buffing and nerfing her soul stacking passive and trying to balance this absolute demon in the bot Lane. Senna deals so much damage and has some of the best scaling in the game. Yes, Senna is the perfect support pick to play if you're actually a bit of a closet ADC mate. She has scaling auto-attack range and damage, and she has fantastic lane bully potential too with that poke and sustain. Not to mention, she also has a global ultimate. Now, moving on to Bard.

2. Bard

Discover top 5 champions to main for every role in Season 14 of League of Legends - your path to becoming the best starts here!
Bard | ModLegends 
Bard is up there with some of the most enjoyable champions in the game. He genuinely has one of the most creative kits in the game, making him incredibly rewarding once you fully understand him. He has tons of ways to set up ganks and fights with magical journeys over walls, perfect ultimates, lining up those wombo combos, and obscure angles to use your Q to lock down enemies. Bard isn't actually the best 2v2 support in the game; he's all about his roaming and his playmaking that really separates the good Bards from the rest. Now, let's discuss Rakan.

3. Rakan

Discover top 5 champions to main for every role in Season 14 of League of Legends - your path to becoming the best starts here!
Rakan | ModLegends 
In terms of meta resistance and consistency, Rakan is definitely up there with some of the best choices you can make. For the last few seasons, Rakan has been one of the best supports in the game, with him being such a versatile pick into tons of different team comps, lanes, and matchups. He has shields, sustain, mobility, engage, disengage, and CC for days. When you put all of this together, you realize just how effective this guy can be if the player behind him really knows what they're doing. Now, let's talk about Blitzcrank.

4. Blitzcrank

Discover top 5 champions to main for every role in Season 14 of League of Legends - your path to becoming the best starts here!
Blitzcrank | ModLegends 
Blitzcrank is the most notorious support in the game, known for those hooks that can win any game in any moment. Even if you're behind, Blitzcrank is the perfect support pick to have in your arsenal when an enemy picks something easy with no mobility that you can abuse on repeat. He works with a bunch of different ADCs but truly excels with those aggressive damage-dealing ADCs that want to snowball the lane phase. Now, our final Champion to discuss is Rell.

5. Rell

Discover top 5 champions to main for every role in Season 14 of League of Legends - your path to becoming the best starts here!
Rell | ModLegends
Rell would not be someone we'd be suggesting for you to main, but after a bit of a mini-rework last season, she's been one of the best supports you can play. Despite being an amazing pick, she still isn't the most popular support in the game, which means most of the time you'll be able to lock her in if you want to. Rell is all about huge engaging AOE CC combos, which means if you pick her with the right ADCs like Samira or Draven, your ability to carry games from the bot lane is insane.


That brings us to the end of our guide all about the best champions for you to main for every single role so far in season 2024. If you want some help learning these champions with builds, matchups, runes, counters, and more. Here, we've got you covered with everything you need to know to get started with these champions, so you guys can get stuck in, start maining, and learning these champions and really start to feel the rewards this season.

Thanks, everybody, for reading. We hope you enjoyed this guide and let us know in the comments below who you're maining so far this season. We'll see you all next time, and as always, guys, take care.


How do I know which champion is right for me to main?

Choosing the right champion to main depends on your preferred playstyle, comfort level with mechanics, and role preferences. Experiment with different champions to find the one that best suits your strengths and preferences.

Is it essential to main a meta champion to climb ranks?

While meta champions may offer certain advantages, mastering any champion can lead to success. Focus on improving your gameplay, decision-making, and mechanics to climb ranks effectively with your chosen champion.

Are there any resources available to help me improve on my main champion?

Yes, there are numerous resources available, including guides, videos, and community forums dedicated to specific champions. Utilize these resources to learn advanced strategies, matchups, and tips to enhance your performance.

How can I stay motivated while mastering a champion?

Set achievable goals, track your progress, and celebrate milestones along the way. Surround yourself with a supportive community of players who share your passion for your chosen champion, and remember to enjoy the journey of improvement.

What should I do if my main champion receives significant nerfs or changes?

Adaptation is key in League of Legends. Stay informed about balance updates and patch notes, and be prepared to adjust your playstyle or explore new champions if necessary. Embrace the challenge of mastering new champions and continue striving for improvement.

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