Stay updated on the latest changes in League of Legends with our comprehensive coverage of Patch 14.6. Don't miss out on this massive update!
League of Legends Patch 14.6 - Massive update with significant changes.

14.6 is another massive patch with a ton of champion changes and lots of item adjustments. My name's Saurabh, and Welcome back to another ModLegends guide. So let's get you guys set up with everything you need to know.

System Buffs

League of Legends Patch 14.6 - Massive update with significant changes.
Alright, we'll start things off by covering all of the item changes. First up is Infinity Edge. Crit ADCs are finally getting some love for 14.6 as Riot will be increasing the bonus crit damage on Infinity Edge from 40 to 50%. Another crit item, L Dominics, is going to see a buff with its armor pen being increased from 30 to 35%. Mortal Reminder will receive the exact same buff with its armor pen increased from 30 to 35%. The Quick blade changes that were on the PB last patch but never ended up shipping are back in for 14.6, with the attack damage on the item going up from 60 to 65. Pickaxe will also be replaced by BF Sword in the build path.

System Nerfs

League of Legends Patch 14.6 - Massive update with significant changes.
For the third patch in a row, we have changes to Solstice Sleigh as it's being nerfed, with the movement speed going from 25 to 20% and the movement speed duration being lowered from 3 to 2.5 seconds. Lots of early game nerfes to component items in this patch, as Haunting Guise will be negatively affected with its AP going down from 35 to 30. Hextech Alternator is going to receive a small nerf for this patch with its AP being reduced from 50 to 45. Kiry Shards' energized damage will be lowered as it's going from 60 to 50. Serrated Dirk will be tagged with a nerf as Riot is lowering the AD on the item from 25 to 20.

League of Legends Patch 14.6 - Massive update with significant changes.
The AD on Caulfield's Warhammer is being lowered for this patch as it's going from 25 to 20. Fiendish Codex is being hit with a massive nerf as its AP is going down from 35 to 25. Glacial Buckler, which is a component that builds into Frozen Heart and Zeke's Convergence, will have its cost increased from 900 to 950. Hearthbound Axe will be losing some power for this patch as the cost of the item is going from 1200 to 1150 while the AD is reduced from 20 to 15.5 AD is worth 175 gold so the cost of the item being lowered by 50 means this is a net nerf.

League of Legends Patch 14.6 - Massive update with significant changes.
We have a very small change to the item component Tunneler as Riot will be increasing the cost of the item by 50 gold. Brutalizer is going to be nerfed pretty hard for this patch as the lethality on the item is going from 8 down to 5. Specter's Cowl will be changed so that the health on the item is lowered from 250 to 200. Base health regen is being reduced from 150% to 100%. Health regeneration will now be flat instead of based on damage taken. Bami Cinder will be changed so that the base damage is up from 12 to 13 while the health ratio is being reduced from 1% bonus health to 0.5% bonus health.

League of Legends Patch 14.6 - Massive update with significant changes.
We have a few changes to support items with World Atlas seeing its upgrade threshold reduced from 500 to 400 gold. Gold from dealing damage is being lowered, however, from 28 to 20 for ranged champions and from 30 to 22 for melee champs. Gold from minions is lowered across the board as well, going from 20 to 15. There are some very similar changes being issued to Runic Compass with the upgrade threshold being reduced from 1000 to 800 gold. Gold from dealing damage is going from 32 to 22 for ranged champions and from 34 to 24 for melee champs. Gold from minions takes a hit as well, being reduced from 28 to 20.

System Adjustments

There's a pretty big change coming in patch 14.6 in regards to starting items as you will no longer be able to build a Doran's item if you have the World Atlas support item or any of the Jungle starting items. In other words, if you are playing support or jungle, you will not be able to purchase a Doran's item at any point in the game. 

League of Legends Patch 14.6 - Massive update with significant changes.
We've got some changes to Void Grabs for this patch as instead of a decaying shield on death, they will now gain a decaying heal.

Champion Buffs

League of Legends Patch 14.6 - Massive update with significant changes.
We've got a few buffs for Diana on the way as her attack speed ratio is being increased. Attack speed growth is going from 2.25 to 2%, and passive attack speed will now scale at every level instead of every three levels. Passive attack speed is being lowered to adjust for this scaling from 15 to 40% to 14 scaling to 35%. Passive empowered attack speed duration sees a nice boost, going from 3 to 5 seconds.

League of Legends Patch 14.6 - Massive update with significant changes.
We have a few Sion buffs for 14.6 with his Q AD ratio being increased but only at the later ranks. W Bay Shield is going to be reduced at the later ranks, while W Shield health ratio is being bumped up from 12 to 16% at max rank. 

League of Legends Patch 14.6 - Massive update with significant changes.
Shen will be receiving a small buff for this patch as his passive cooldown refund will now scale with every level instead of at random levels.

League of Legends Patch 14.6 - Massive update with significant changes.
We have a minor buff to Ornn as his E cooldown is being reduced from 16 to 14 seconds at rank one. 

League of Legends Patch 14.6 - Massive update with significant changes.
Riot's going to be giving Red Kayn a bit of a bump for 14.6 as his Red Q Ma Health damage is going from 5 to 6%. 

League of Legends Patch 14.6 - Massive update with significant changes.
Non-Red Kayn Q bonus AD ratio is being lowered though from 175 to 150%, and Q is now going to lock out item actives during the animation, so this affects the Profane Hydra build.

League of Legends Patch 14.6 - Massive update with significant changes.
Cho'gath will receive a few buffs for 14.6 with his W cooldown being reduced by 2 seconds at rank one. E base damage will be going up from 22 scaling to 70 to 22 scaling to 82. 

League of Legends Patch 14.6 - Massive update with significant changes.
Yet another round of Rek'Sai bug fixes will be going live this patch. 

League of Legends Patch 14.6 - Massive update with significant changes.
Tryndamere will be buffed for this patch with his attack speed growth being increased from 2.9 to 3.4%.

Champion Nerfs

League of Legends Patch 14.6 - Massive update with significant changes.
We are finally getting some Karma nerfs for 14.6 as the champion has been OP tier for a few patches now in the mid lane. Mana growth is being reduced from 50 to 40, Mana regen growth is up from 0.5 to 0.8, and mana cost takes a massive hit going from 45 flat to 40 scaling to 80. Passive AoE cooldown refund is being changed from 5 to 4 seconds. Our cooldown is being increased but at the later ranks only. There's a buff to Karma's base shield as it's going from 25 scaling to 175 to 50 scaling to 170.

League of Legends Patch 14.6 - Massive update with significant changes.
Senna ADC is being hit with a massive nerf for this patch as her soul drop rate from minion kills is going from 8.3 to 2.8%. 

League of Legends Patch 14.6 - Massive update with significant changes.
After just a few patches of being a strong solo Q champion, Riot will be nerfing Volibear in 14.6. His Q movement speed is going from 12 scaling to 32% to 12 scaling to 28%, and the cooldown is also being increased from 130 to 140 seconds at rank 1. 

League of Legends Patch 14.6 - Massive update with significant changes.
Smolder is going to be nerfed in a few different ways as his Q execute threshold is being reduced, W width is nerfed, and lastly, E bonus movement speed will be nerfed from 100 to 75%.

League of Legends Patch 14.6 - Massive update with significant changes.
We've got a nerf to the early game strength of Gragas as his base health is being lowered from 670 to 640, and mana is being targeted as well, going from 80 scaling to 60 to a flat 80 at all ranks. 

League of Legends Patch 14.6 - Massive update with significant changes.
We have a few changes lined up for Briar in 14.6 as you'll now be able to jump to Wards with Briar Q. W heal is being lowered from 25 scaling to 45% to 24 scaling to 40% of damage dealt. W attack speed is being lowered from 55 scaling to 115 to 54 scaling to 110%. Our damage is going down as well but only at the later ranks.

Champion Adjustments

League of Legends Patch 14.6 - Massive update with significant changes.
Riot has a ton of changes lined up for Galio in 14.6 so let's take a look. Passive cooldown will now be reduced by 3 seconds when hitting champions with abilities. Passive attack speed will now gain 40% attack speed. Passive base damage is dropping quite significantly but at the later levels only. Passive AP ratio will be reduced from 50 to 40%. Q AP ratio will be dropping from 75 to 70%. Q cooldown takes a hit as well but only at Max rank.

W damage reduction magic resist ratio is being lowered from 12 to 8%. W damage reduction will now scale with 1% per 100 bonus health. W base damage reduction is nerfed by 5% at all ranks. W base damage is dropping from 20 scaling to 80 to 20 scaling to 60. E base damage is being lowered from 90 scaling to 250 to 75 scaling to 235. E non-champion damage is up, however, from 50 to 80%.


So there you have it, everyone, a complete look at all the changes as we head into patch 14.6. Thank you all so much for reading, and we will see you in the next one.


When will patch 14.6 be released?

Patch 14.6 is scheduled to go live on March 20th, offering players plenty of time to prepare for the upcoming changes.

Which items receive buffs in patch 14.6?

Infinity Edge, L Dominics, Mortal Reminder, and Quick Blade are among the items receiving buffs, providing more options for marksmen and other champions.

Are there any significant champion adjustments in patch 14.6?

Yes, champions like Galio, Ding, and Sion undergo significant adjustments to their abilities, potentially altering their playstyles and strategies.

Which champions are receiving nerfs in patch 14.6?

Karma, Senna ADC, and Volibear are among the champions receiving nerfs to address their overpowered status and ensure a balanced gameplay experience.

How should players adapt to the changes in patch 14.6?

Players should experiment with different strategies, adapt their item builds, and familiarize themselves with the adjusted champions to stay competitive in the ever-evolving landscape of League of Legends.

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